Healpline No.
Withdrawals & Termination
  • A parent, desirous of withdrawing his child, will have to inform the Principal one month in advance in writing, failing which, one month's dues will be deducted from the security deposits.
  • School Leaving Certificate will be furnished after a week from the day of receiving written request from the parents/guardian and only after obtaining No Dues Certificate from the Accounts Branch of the school office, Library & Tuck-shops, as per rules.

A student may be terminated from the school. His/her name will be struck off Scholar Register on the following grounds without any prior notice.
  • Non-remittance of School Dues as per rules.
  • Disciplinary grounds.
  • Unsatisfactory progress in studies, resulting in repeated detention in the previous class.
  • Shortage of attendance for the academic year.
  • Absence from school for continuous 10 days without any prior information.
  • Any other reason, as may be deemed fit by the Principal.
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